Brazeiros brings a modern interpretation, yet an authentic experience, of Southern Brazil’s centuries-old gaucho heritage.
We offer multiple menu options:
All Four Main Options Include Unlimited Access to Our Fresh Salad Bar and Brazilian Hot Side Dishes. Crispy Polenta, Caramelized Banana, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Grilled Pineapple, and Cheese Bread will be replenished at your table throughout the meal. Steak sauces, Farofa, Yucca, and French Fries are available upon request, at no additional charge.

Full Experience
Enjoy all 15 different cuts of beef, lamb, pork, chicken, and sausage.
Varietal Experience
9 different cuts of meats: Top Sirloin, Leg of lamb, Chicken legs, Chicken Breast wrapped in bacon, Chicken Teriyaki, Smoked Sausage, Pork Ribs, Pork Chops, and Pork Sausage.
Chicken & Salad
Includes all our chicken choices: Chicken Teriyaki, Chicken legs, and chicken breast wrapped in bacon.
Salad Bar/Vegetarian
Includes the salad bar and side dishes.

Drinks, desserts, tax, and gratuity are not included. Black beans and white rice are brought upon request at no extra charge.
Large Shrimp or Seared Salmon can be added to any meal for a small additional cost.